PRIME Tenth Anniversary Conference
10 November 2021
You can find details below of what our conference covered.
10 November 2021
You can find details below of what our conference covered.
Without doubt, law firms have made significant progress on social mobility in the decade since PRIME’s creation. Progress that PRIME’s members and partners have been integral to achieving.
Awareness and understanding of social mobility has increased materially in the legal sector, and firms have invested human and capital resources to broaden outreach to candidates from more diverse backgrounds. Improved data gathering also shows a notable increase in candidates from socio-economically less advantaged backgrounds joining law firms.
Looking forward, at our conference, we generated ideas on how we can take action together to build on this progress and take things to the next level.
Our aim was to identify action we can take collectively to create a future where PRIME, and organisations like it, no longer need to exist. A future where a person’s background doesn’t restrict their opportunities. A future where we have a truly diverse profession at all levels.
Delegates heard from David Morley, founder and former Chair of PRIME, PRIME alumni and key people at our member firms discuss PRIME’s impact and the need to continue to improve access to, and socio-economic diversity within, the legal profession.
Our panel discussed the past, present and future of social mobility, identifying challenges and opportunities for law firms.
Patricia Christias, Assistant General Counsel at Microsoft and Sarah Macdonald, Chief Legal Officer at KFC, explored the client perspective on social mobility and what they expect from their panel law firms.
We explored the practical steps we can take to address social mobility through a choice of four breakout sessions focusing on work experience, outreach, selection, and progression.